Our SCRAM GPS Devices
The SCRAM GPS one-piece device is a bracelet that attaches to the client's ankle and tracks movements 24/7. The device operates with a GPS background. These location points can also be transmitted via 4G LTE on the AT&T (GSM) or Verizon (CDMA) cellular networks
Key features include:
Unified platform with mobile adaptive software
Superior accuracy and monitoring software
Industry-leading battery life - up to 45 hours on a full charge
GPS Analytics to simplify large amounts of data
Secondary location technology
30-second, tool free installation
Accuracy. SCRAM Systems designed the SCRAM GPS device to function in line with the U.S. government GPS Performance Standard of 95% confidence level, which means that under ideal circumstances, SCRAM GPS demonstrates high-quality GPS accuracy to within three meters. As such, SCRAM GPS provides accuracy and is comparable or surpasses all GPS client monitoring products on the market.

User Guidelines
LED light on device indicates when a battery is low (red), charging (blinking green), or fully charged (solid green)
Charger is attached by sliding the connector into the monitor, following the direction on the arrow on the connector. It is fully connected when you see the green led light blinking
Do not submerge in water, this can cause a tampering alert and can affect your case. Device IS water-resistant and CAN withstand showers.
If the red and green light are both on at the same time when connected to the charger, contact us immediately to have your device replaced.
Device will vibrate when battery is low, or if a vibration command is sent.
Device is tamper-evident, and will send multiple notifications to all account supervisors immediately. Do NOT tamper with your device. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us
Always press the Response Button when the device vibrates
If a constant, high-pitched noise is heard coming from the device, press Response Button and IMMEDIATELY call (940)276-1458

Maintenance and Care
Clean the area around the bracelet, as well as bracelet strap, with mild soap and water and gently pat dry. DO NOT USE ALCOHOL OR WINDEX AS IT MAY RESULT IN TAMPERING ALERT
We recommend charging the device while sitting in one place, such as while watching a movie or working. DO NOT CHARGE DEVICE WHILE SLEEPING
Long socks that can go under the device are recommended for less rubbing and chafing